Geoturb: Numerical modeling and theoretical challenges in atmosphere and ocean turbulence

Geophysical flows, oceans and atmosphere, have a major impact on our societies, not only because they are at the core of the climate system, but also because their understanding give large economical, social and environmental impacts.

The dynamics of these flows involve an astonishing large range of spatial and temporal scales, which renders predictability difficult, and which makes numerical and theoretical study of the climate system very challenging. On the one hand, numerical modellers i/ either try to develop parametrizations to account for the effect of scales that are not resolved due to computational limitations when simulating the whole climate system, ii/ or propose the design of models with a lower complexity, reproducing reasonably well the large scales dynamics and statistics in climate problems. On the other hand, theoreticians try to find ideas explaining and predicting in details, the self-organization of these flows, independently of the dynamical complexity. The aim of this workshop is to bring together scientists from these different community, and possibly fertilize new work within both groups.



Richardson's forecast factory (© François Schuiten)

Organizing committee:

  • Antoine Venaille, Physics laboratory, École normale supérieure de Lyon, France
  • Freddy Bouchet, Physics laboratory, École normale supérieure de Lyon, France

Administrative coordinator:

  • Samantha Barendson, Centre Blaise Pascal, École normale supérieure de Lyon, France
Online user: 1